
I am an R&D engineer at SNCF Réseau, the company in charge of maintaining and operating the french rail network. I work at DGEX Solutions on ML applications to railway-related problems. If you are interested in ML on graphs, don’t hesitate to reach me out!

Before that, I did a postdoc at the Sierra Inria research team. I worked with Alessandro Rudi on kernel methods and Sum of Squares models, with applications to statistics and machine learning. I did my PhD at Aramis Lab, an Inria research team at the Brain and Spine Institute, and CMAP, the applied mathematics lab of École polytechnique. I worked under the direction of Stéphanie Allassonnière and Stanley Durrleman. My thesis is mostly about data sets of networks and how to model them from a statistical perspective. I worked on both theoretical and algorithmic aspects. The main application is modeling the humain brain connectivity, especially functional connectivity.